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Community Meeting 02-20-2020

The community Town Hall meeting took place on 02-20-2020 at 6 P.M at the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District’s main office located at 560 Magnolia Ave. Beaumont CA. 92223. A recording of the town hall meeting has been posted for anyone that missed the meeting. We encourage anyone that is interested to watch the video. It is located on the District website located here:

New Request for Proposal – Noble Creek Recharge Facility Fencing Project

NOTICE INVITING BIDS Sealed bids will be received only at Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District (Owner), 560 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, California, 92223 Telephone (951) 845-9581 until 3:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 for Noble Creek Recharge Facility Fencing Project.

WORK: The Work includes the provision of all equipment, labor, and materials to install and construct approximately 2,750 Linear Feet of fencing, gates, and appurtenances to secure the BCVWD Noble Creek Recharge Facility Phase I site, as specified and shown in the Construction Documents:

  • Noble Creek Recharge Facility Phase I Fencing

The project site is located in Cherry Valley, County of Riverside, California.

COMPLETION OF WORK: The work shall be performed by a single contractor under a single contract. All work must be completed within 45 calendar days from Date of Award. 

OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS:  A PDF copy of the compete bid package is available on the District Website at Alternatively, a copy of the complete bid package is available upon request from the District’s Engineering Department. A charge of $10.00 will be made for each hard copy of each bid package requested.

OPENING OF BIDS:  Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the place and time stated above Bidders are invited to be present. Bidders may examine the Contract Documents at Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District, 560 Magnolia Ave., Beaumont, California, 92223.

PERIOD FOR AWARD:  If Owner elects to award a contract for the Work, the award will be made within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of bid opening. 

WAGE RATES:  The Director of the Department of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate of holiday and over-time work in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of workmen needed to execute the Contract or Work as hereinafter set forth (see Labor Code 1770 et.seq.).  Copies of rates are on file at the office of the Owner, which copies shall be made available to any interested party on request.  The successful Bidder shall post a copy of such determinations at each job site.  Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and all Contractors and Subcontractors shall pay wages on this Project.

LICENSING REQUIREMENTS: Bidders shall be licensed in accordance with provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professional Code of the State of California on the date and time of submittal of the bid documents and shall maintain such license until final acceptance of the work. Required classifications are: Class A, General Engineering and/or C-13, Fencing Contractor. Bidders shall have verifiable experience in similar work. Bidders and their sub-contractors shall also be registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 4104 of the public contract code with the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations.

The District cannot award a public works contract to any contractor or subcontractor whose company appears on the ineligible contractor’s list published by the Labor Commission, per Labor Code, Section 1777.1.

PROJECT ADMINISTRATION:  All questions relative to this project prior to the opening of bids shall be directed to:

Mark Swanson
Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District
560 Magnolia Avenue Beaumont, CA 92223
Telephone: (951) 845-9581
Fax: (951) 845-0159

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Bid and to make awards in the interest of the Owner, including award to other than the lowest bidder.  The Owner reserves the right to have performed the entire Work defined by the Contract Documents or such parts of said Work as the Owner may elect, to combine various alternative bids and bid items within a Bid, and to accept or reject one or more separately scheduled bid items within a Bid.  The Owner further reserves the right to withhold issuance of the Notice to Proceed, after execution of the Contract Agreement, for the period not to exceed fifteen (15) days after the date the Contract Agreement is executed.   No additional payment will be made to the successful Bidder on account of such withholding.

NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A Nonmandatory pre-bid conference with representatives of prospective bidders will be held at the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District offices, 560 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, California at 4:00 pm. on February 25, 2020.  Prospective bidders are invited to present any relevant questions at the pre-bid conference, but insofar as practicable, questions should be prepared in written form and sent to Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District so as to arrive not later than one (1) days prior to the non-mandatory pre-bid conference.

Notice Inviting Bid for Noble Creek Recharge Facility Fencing Project

New Request for Proposal – 9th Street and 11th Street Pipeline Replacement Project

NOTICE INVITING BIDS Sealed bids will be received only at Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District (Owner), 560 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, California, 92223 Telephone (951) 845-9581 until 2:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, for 9TH Street and 11TH Street Pipeline Replacement Project.

WORK: The Work includes the provision of all equipment, labor, and traffic control, disinfection, and testing to install District furnished pipeline materials and appurtenances necessary to complete the construction of the following, as specified and shown in the Construction Documents:

  • 9th Street Pipeline: Approximately 402 Linear Feet of 8″ cement mortar lined Ductile Iron Pipe, plus various laterals, valves, connections, and appurtenances.
  • 11th Street Pipeline: Approximately 205 Linear Feet of 8″ cement mortar lined Ductile Iron Pipe, plus various laterals, valves, connections, and appurtenances.

The site of work is located in the City of Beaumont, County of Riverside, California.

COMPLETION OF WORK. The work shall be performed by a single contractor under a single contract. All work must be completed within 30 calendar days from Date of Award.  OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.  A PDF copy of the compete bid package is available on the District Website at Alternatively, a copy of the complete bid package is available upon request from the District’s Engineering Department. A charge of $10.00 will be made for each hard copy of each bid package requested.

OPENING OF BIDS.  Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the place and time stated above Bidders are invited to be present. Bidders may examine the Contract Documents at Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District, 560 Magnolia Ave., Beaumont, California, 92223.

PERIOD FOR AWARD.  If Owner elects to award a contract for the Work, the award will be made within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of bid opening.  WAGE RATES.  The Director of the Department of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate of holiday and over-time work in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of workmen needed to execute the Contract or Work as hereinafter set forth (see Labor Code 1770 et.seq.).  Copies of rates are on file at the office of the Owner, which copies shall be made available to any interested party on request.  The successful Bidder shall post a copy of such determinations at each job site.  Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and all Contractors and Subcontractors shall pay wages on this Project.

LICENSING REQUIREMENTS. Bidders shall be licensed in accordance with provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professional Code of the State of California on the date and time of submittal of the bid documents and shall maintain such license until final acceptance of the work. Required classifications are: Class A, General Engineering; C-34, Pipeline Contractor. Bidders shall have verifiable experience in similar work. Bidders and their sub-contractors shall also be registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 4104 of the public contract code with the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations.

The District cannot award a public works contract to any contractor or subcontractor whose company appears on the ineligible contractor’s list published by the Labor Commission, per Labor Code, Section 1777.1.

PROJECT ADMINISTRATION.  All questions relative to this project prior to the opening of bids shall be directed to:

Mark Swanson
Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District
560 Magnolia Ave
Beaumont, CA 92223
Telephone: (951) 845-9581 Fax: (951) 845-0159

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Bid and to make awards in the interest of the Owner, including award to other than the lowest bidder.  The Owner reserves the right to have performed the entire Work defined by the Contract Documents or such parts of said Work as the Owner may elect, to combine various alternative bids and bid items within a Bid, and to accept or reject one or more separately scheduled bid items within a Bid.  The Owner further reserves the right to withhold issuance of the Notice to Proceed, after execution of the Contract Agreement, for the period not to exceed fifteen (15) days after the date the Contract Agreement is executed.   No additional payment will be made to the successful Bidder on account of such withholding.

NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE. A Nonmandatory pre-bid conference with representatives of prospective bidders will be held at the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District offices, 560 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, California at 4:00 pm. on February 12, 2020.  Prospective bidders are invited to present any relevant questions at the pre-bid conference, but insofar as practicable, questions should be prepared in written form and sent to Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District so as to arrive not later than one (1) days prior to the non-mandatory pre-bid conference.

Notice Inviting Bid for 9th Street and 11th Street Pipeline Replacement Project

Update on California water efficiency legislation

Some sources have incorrectly reported that California state water conservation legislation (SB 606 and AB 1668) will limit individual households to 55 gallons per day, per person, of indoor water use.

BCVWD is not monitoring your water use, setting limits or fining customers. The new statewide efficiency legislation sets average usage targets across water district service areas, but the laws do not restrict individual households or businesses.

Here are some quick facts on the legislation:

  • The bills require average indoor water use across the district to be reduced to an average of 55 gallons per person per day by 2023, decreasing to 50 gallons by 2030.
  • The legislation sets indoor water use targets of 55 gallons a day, per person, but the goal is spread across a water district’s entire service area – not individual households.
  • The state will not issue fines to individual customers. Water districts could face penalties for violations.
  • The bills establish long-term indoor and outdoor conservation goals for water agencies.
  • Households can still shower and wash dishes on the same day. The water conservation legislation will not be enforced on individual households or businesses.

As always, water users should continue keeping conservation in mind for all water use. Learn more from the California Department of Water Resources at

New Request for Proposal – Reservoir Cleaning, Inspection, and Minor Repair

Prospective consultants are hereby notified that the BEAUMONT-CHERRY VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (Owner) will receive sealed proposals for work necessary to provide Reservoir Cleaning, Inspection, and Minor Repair Services for four (4) above ground storage tanks.Such proposals will be received until Wednesday, February 19, 2020, at 3:00 PM at the District Office, 560 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, California 92223, at which time said proposals will be publicly opened and read.

Owner will review all submittals and make a recommendation of award to the District’s Board of Directors based upon the qualifications of the contractor and associated cost of services. After the proposals have been evaluated, the highest ranked contractor may be interviewed. All contractors submitting a proposal will be notified as to their status in the selection process.

Owner reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularity.  Time is of the essence, therefore the ability of the contractor to perform the services within the time period specified will be considered during the award of the project.  If Owner elects to award a contract for the services, the award will be made within 10 days from the date of the District’s next Board meeting subsequent to the District Staff’s completion of the review of submitted proposals (usually the second Wednesday of each month).  Proposals shall be valid for a period of 90 days.

A PDF copy of the Request for Proposal may be obtained from Owner’s website at  Alternatively, a copy of the Request for Proposal may be obtained from the Owner at 560 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, California 92223.

For further information, contact James Bean, Assistant Director of Operations at Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District, whose telephone number is (951) 845-9581.

Notice Inviting Bid for and Project Contract Documents

New date for January Board of Directors meeting

The Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District (BCVWD) Board of Directors will hold a Special Board Meeting next week to adopt a resolution of intention around the BCVWD Water Financial Plan and Utility Rate Study. The public is encouraged to attend.

BCVWD Board of Directors Special Meeting

Date: Tuesday, January 7
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: BCVWD District Offices
560 Magnolia Avenue
Beaumont, CA 92223

BCVWD hired an independent financial expert to evaluate rate structures and related costs of service. The BCVWD Water Financial Plan and Utility Rate Study details the findings of the assessment and proposes new rates and charges for water service. For more information, contact us at or 951-845-9581.

Please note: This Board meeting replaces the Regular Board Meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, to allow the attendance of Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc., the firm that conducted the study.

01-08-2019 Regular Board of Directors Meeting Cancelled

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Regular Board of Directors Meeting of the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District scheduled for January 8, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., 560 Magnolia Ave., Beaumont, CA 92223, has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts.

The next regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting is January 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., 560 Magnolia Ave, Beaumont, CA 92223.

Cancellation Notification

Call of Special Meeting – January 7, 2019 at 6:00 P.M.

The undersigned, John Covington, President of the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District, hereby calls a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the District’s Administrative Offices located at 560 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, California 92223.

The agenda for said meeting will be posted no later than 5:59 p.m. on Monday, January 6, 2020.

Dated: Thursday, January 02, 2020

Attachment 1

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